HI-SLAM2: Geometry-Aware Gaussian SLAM for Fast Monocular Scene Reconstruction

Kontextbezogene Verarbeitung und Erfassung von 3D-Daten: Ein serviceorientiertes System im Rahmen von I4.0-Anwendungen

3D-Bildverarbeitungssysteme benötigen erhebliche Konfigurations- und Ausführungszeiten. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in diesem Beitrag ein intelligentes kamerabasiertes modulares Sensorsystem zur kontextbezogenen optischen Erfassung und Verarbeitung …

Modeling the Unified Measurement Uncertainty of Deflectometric and Plenoptic 3-D Sensors

In this paper we propose new models of two complementary optical sensors to obtain 2.5-D measurements of opaque surfaces: a deflectometric and a plenoptic sensor. The deflectometric sensor uses active triangulation and works best on specular …

From the Calibration of a Light-Field Camera to Direct Plenoptic Odometry

This paper presents a complete framework from the calibration of a plenoptic camera toward plenoptic camera based visual odometry. This is achieved by establishing the multiple view geometry for plenoptic cameras. Based on this novel multiple view …

Depth Estimation and Camera Calibration of a Focused Plenoptic Camera for Visual Odometry

This paper presents new and improved methods of depth estimation and camera calibration for visual odometry with a focused plenoptic camera. For depth estimation we adapt an algorithm previously used in structure-from-motion approaches to work with …